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Experiences for all tastes

Taikayöntie region offers a wide variety of experiences in an idyllic countryside atmosphere: culture, history, local food and nature experiences.

Rural river and lake landscapes, together with its stunning natural phenomena such as sunrises, sunsets and the fog lingering over the river and fields, will captivate you with their beauty. Head over to Puurijärvi and Isosuo National Park, Vanhakoski Grove Conservation Area, Harjureitti outdoor trail—also known as Little Lapland, Porttikallio Outdoor Recreation Area or nature paths in Urjala!

The Taikayöntie region can be explored also by canoe. Companies such as Lauhan Kanoottivuokraamo and Kajakkikioski offer guided canoe trips and rent equipment. There are several horse stables along Taikayöntie route: Hessi-Talli, Huittisten Ratsastuskeskus and Tuorin Ratsutila. Valajärvi Manor and Honkola Hunting, among others, offer hunting and fishing experiences. Electric fatbikes can be rented from Unton tila in Huittinen. In Urjala the Pölkinvuori Garden delights with its beautiful flowers and landscapes.

Toisiaan ihastuneesti katsova pariskunta istumassa puistonpenkillä, toisiaan kädestä pidellen. Värikkäitä lupiineita kuvan edustalla ja taustalla kesäisen vihreä koivu. Kuvattu Punkalaitumella.

Idyllic scenery of Taikayöntie region will capture your heart with its countryside charm! Photo: Rami Valonen

Mäntyjä sumuisessa ja auringon punaiseksi värjäämässä suomaisemassa.

Puurijärvi and Isosuo National Park at sunset. Photo: Rami Valonen

Taikayöntien maisemaa: Taikayöntie ja sen vieressä peltomaisemaa, jonka yllä leijuu sumu. Tien vieressä myös perinteinen punainen maatalo, jossa on valkoiset ikkunanpielet.

Fog lingering over the fields is a common sight in Taikayöntie region. Photo: Rami Valonen

Taikayöntie region offers culture and history for all tastes: In Urjala, you can learn about the legacy of the Finnish author Väinö Linna. Explore the Väinö Linna route and pop in his study in the Urjala library. The life of another great Finn, former president Risto Ryti, is showcased in the exhibition of Huittinen Museum. The museum also has exhibitions comprising works of the sculptor Lauri Leppänen and about the past everyday life in the region. Yli-Kirra Museum provides an opportunity to see a traditional 19th century courtyard farm of the region with its drying barn, blacksmith’s forge and granary. Yli-Kirra comprises a total of 36 buildings and structures. Urjala Museum showcases the lifestyle of 19th century farmers and that of 1940s small-scale farmers and craftsmen.

There are historically and architecturally interesting stone and wooden churches in all of the Taikayöntie municipalities. Mäenpää Labour Hall in Punkalaidun is about to be proposed for listing as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Nuutajärvi, the oldest still-operating glass village in Finland is also located along the Taikayöntie route.

The stunning scenery of prosperous farms, idyllic villages and cultivated fields tell the story of long agricultural tradition. There are plenty of farm shops selling locally grown food, berry wines and organic meat.

If you feel like dancing, you should head over to Särkkä Dance Pavilion in Punkalaidun or Hirvensuuli in Huittinen. Annual events in the Taikayöntie region include the Pentinkulman Päivät Literature Festival and the Mitäs Mitäs Mitäs Festival in Urjala, focusing on alternative culture. The selection of events in Huittinen include Huittisten Hullu Yö focusing on food and shopping, the Lauttarokki Rock Festival and the Huhtamo International Film Festival. Every summer, the Yli-Kirra Museum in Punkalaidun hosts the idyllic agricultural exhibition Kaikkien Aikojen Maatalousnäyttely. In addition, several other community-driven events are organised in the region. There is always something happening in Taikayöntie!

Yli-Kirran talonpokaismuseo: Perinteinen navettarakennus, jonka edustalla kävelee nuori pariskunta.

A local farmstead museum Yli-Kirra. Photo: Rami Valonen

Lasipallot -veistos Nuutajärven lasikylässä. Taustalla kävelemässä nuori pariskunta.

Nuutajärvi Glass Village. Photo: Rami Valonen

Urjalan kotiseutumuseoon kuuluva vanha hirsirakennus, jonka edessä on kaivo ja vieressä tuulimylly.

Urjala Museum. Photo: Municipality of Urjala

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